
The Lost Son

     Read Luke 15:11-32; in this parable, Jesus told of the man with two sons. The younger son asked his father for his inheritance. The father divides his goods and gives the portion to his son. The young son goes to a far country where he wastes his money. When he spent all, he had a famine arose in the land. The son got a job feeding the pigs. He was so hungry he wanted to eat the pig's food. He finally came to himself and said, I will arise and go to my father. 

     The father watched for his son to come home daily. Finally, he saw his son coming, and he ran to greet him. The son said, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight,  and am no more worthy of being called your son. The father told his servants to bring his son the best robe and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet. The father was excited to know his son was alive. He called for a fatted calf to be killed so they could have a feast and celebration. 

     The elder son came from the field and heard loud music, and saw the feast. He asked a servant what was going on. He was told his brother had come home safely, and his father had killed the fatted calf to celebrate. The elder son didn't want to stay. His father came out to him. The son said, I have served thee many years and never transgressed, and you never let me have a feast with a kid for my friends. The father told him, you are always with me; everything I have is yours. Your brother was dead, and is alive again, and was lost, and is found. 

     Let us contemplate the condition of both son's hearts. The younger son lived a carefree lifestyle. He ended up with nothing, and he decided to go back home to his father as a hired servant. The father welcomed him home as his son. By the example of the younger son, God is watching and waiting for us and meets us when we come back into the fold after we mess up. The older son heard the loud music and saw the feast. He was jealous of the younger son. He should have been rejoicing because his brother came back home safely. 

     Which son best represents where you are in your relationship to our Father, God? The rebellious one that left his father and later came back and was welcomed by his father? The one who stayed close to his father's house but didn't understand his heart?


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