
Call on God

     Jeremiah 33:3 says, Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. I have called on the name of the Lord many times, especially while driving.

     I get nervous when I have to get on the interstate or merge into traffic. As I go up the ramp, I say, Lord help me. I look; there are always no cars, so I can easily merge into traffic. God is so good! I always say, Thank you, Lord. That is how great our God is.   

     I want to share the true story of how the Lord showed me His power and mercy when I called His name twenty-five years ago. I arrived to pick up my two daughters from high school for their dental appointments just before school adjourned for the day. 

     I noticed an older gentleman parked at the edge of the driveway. His car wouldn't start, and he was in the way of the school buses leaving. I told him I would try to push him if he would steer his vehicle. He agreed and put his car in neutral. I got behind his car and placed my hands on its trunk. I said, Lord. Please help me. I don't know if I can push this car!

     I pushed on the vehicle. It started moving; it was as light as a feather, and it felt like someone was pushing the car for me. The man steered the car down the driveway and parked in a grassy area.

       I ran to my car and got my cell phone for the man to use, but he refused to take it. His eyes were big, and he was frightened, like he had seen a ghost. He said, lady, I don't know how you moved this car. My parking brake was on.

     I was in Awe! I knew I didn't move that car alone, but I knew who I called on for help! God said in His word that He would show us great and mighty things that we would not know. Amen!

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